Welcome to the Website of the EurasierFriends Germany e.V.
Dear Eurasierfriend -
nice to meet you here!
On our pages we want to provide information about the wonderful and beloved breed,
You will find the breed standard, the Eurasier as family dog and for children, tips for puppy purchase
and literature, breed characteristics, a photo-gallery with the various colours of the Eurasier and the competence-team with 7 interesting topics.
This English website is varying a little from our German one, as we have in addition a practical guide with informations which are surely only valid for Germany. In other countries there are other laws
and prescriptions so that we dropped it. But our competence-team is able to answer all your
questions so that you will not miss anything.
And if perhaps the one or the other of a foreign country all around the world will stay in Germany for
a while or a visit, he is invited to attend to our walks and gatherings taking place at that time.
Enjoy your stay!